Sunday, August 26, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar...Gross, but worth it!

For the past seven days a stomach bug has been circling my house. This was not your typical 24 hour illness, my 2 year old son had it for four days! Then my daughter got it...then me...then my husband. Needless to say, by the time it got to my husband I was out of patience. We had been taking tons of vitamins (me more than others) and sanitizing the house. But still we all got it. Though I'm convinced that I had a quicker version due to the vitamins.

Anyway, my husband had it BAD. He was out of commission for 2 days. So I made him my guinea pig. A friend of mine had recommended we drink 2-4 ounces of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar to get rid of stomach bugs in extreme cases. I decided not to try it on my kids, figuring they would never trust me again. And I still need them to take their daily vitamins after this bug is all said and done. But my husband, however, was too sick to fight back. Muhahahah! That was an evil laugh, by the way. So I poured him a 4 ounce glass, mixed in a little honey and told him to drink it. I tried to make it clear that he was going to want to drink this as fast as possible. My exact words were, "Shot gun it with a Gatorade chaser!" So he leaned over the sink, made me leave the room and gave it his best shot. He got around 2 ounces down and he started gagging and spitting. (I, obviously, had not left the room but instead had crouched down behind the bar so that I could watch the whole thing.) Then he starts yelling that it was the worst thing he ever tasted! It burned! He couldn't breath! He'll NEVER do that again! Whatever. I'm here to tell you...It. Totally. Worked.

He later admitted that after he drank the vinegar he didn't have anymore "issues in the bathroom". And by that evening he felt better. And the next morning he felt great! BAM! I promise you the next time he gets sick, I will be sneaking apple cider vinegar into his Gatorade. Because I highly doubt he will drink it on his own ever again. My advice for using this remedy is to put it in a shot glass. Down the hatch! Don't let it touch your taste buds at all.

Organic Raw apple cider vinegar is amazing for other things as well. I use it as a conditioning rinse for my hair and as a skin toner. But I think I will start to take a spoonful a day to improve my skin and boost weight loss. If you are interested in learning more, here are a few helpful links:

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits
Seven Health Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar by Wellness Mama
Sweetened Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir Recipe by Delighted Momma

Try it for yourself and let me know what you think!


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